Government Affairs Updates for the Health IT Industry

Monday, February 15, 2010

Millions Awarded in Grants Tied to EHR Functionality

The following are helpful resources regarding the over $750 million investment in HHS grant awards for meaningful use of health IT, of which $386 million will go to 40 states and qualified State Designated Entities (SDEs) to facilitate health information exchange (HIE) at the state level, while $375 million will go to an initial 32 non-profit organizations to support the development of regional extension centers (RECs).

Additional information about the state HIE and RECs may be found at and http://healthit.hhs.govextensionprogram

Information about other health IT programs funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 can be found here:

Information about Healthcare/High Growth Grants, and other DOL training programs is available at

For more information about the Recovery Act, please visit: , and

Monday, February 8, 2010

Finding Focus at HIMSS

Conferences like HIMSS can seem overwhelming with information overload. Certainly the opportunities and excitement surrounding the ARRA funding is center stage, and there are many outgrowths from it. One that I believe is involved but even supersedes it in importance and history is the issue of patient privacy and security. It’s on the minds of patients and providers, and we’ve seen it’s a concern when providers consider adapting to electronic health records. Going back to the establishment of HIPPA and looking where we are now with increasing online patient portals and the relationships with Microsoft HealthVault and other patient empowering tools is important. The HIMSS conference has privacy and security workshops in place, and over the years ONC’s Policy and Standards committees have created workgroups just on privacy and security. And we know ONC’s Interim Final Rule on meaningful use has asked the EHR community to offer guidance on privacy and security in public comment to the IFR. If we are truly going to have a national health information network and truly interoperable delivery, the privacy and security of patient records is an area where there must be proven best practices, and this year’s conference is a watershed opportunity for that.